What is iOS certificate signing?

iOS certificate signing is the process of digitally signing iOS applications by using an Apple developer account. When you sign an app, you are telling the device that your app is from a trusted source, which makes it possible for the app to run on the device.

Why do iOS certificates expire?

iOS certificates expire for security reasons. This ensures that the apps on the devices are from the same developers as the ones who originally signed them, and that the apps have not been tampered with or modified in any way. Apple requires that iOS certificates be renewed periodically.

How does an expired certificate lead to app crashes?

When an iOS certificate expires, the device no longer recognizes the developer as a trusted source. This means that the app may no longer function properly, or even crash, because it is unable to authenticate the developer’s credentials. This is why it is important to keep an eye on certificate expirations if you are an iOS developer.

How to avoid iOS certificate expiration issues?

The best way to avoid iOS certificate expiration issues is to stay on top of renewals. It is also recommended that you keep track of all of your certificate expirations and store them in a central location, such as a digital calendar or spreadsheet. This will help you to avoid expired certificates and keep your apps running smoothly.

How to correctly re-sign apps?

If you do come across an expired iOS certificate issue, the first step is to renew the expired certificate. Once the certificate has been renewed, you can re-sign your apps using the new certificate.

To correctly re-sign an app, you will need to have the following tools on hand:

Xcode or a similar development environment

Your renewed iOS certificate and the associated private key

Your app’s binary file

An ad-hoc provisioning profile or App Store provisioning profile


Once you have these tools, you can follow these general steps:

Open Xcode and select the “Window” menu item from the top menu bar.

Select “Organizer” from the drop-down menu.

Click on the “Archives” tab and locate the archived app that you want to sign.

Select “Export” from the drop-down menu next to the archive.

Follow the prompts to select the provisioning profile that you want to re-sign the app with.

Select the renewed iOS certificate and the associated private key.

Save the new re-signed app and test it to ensure that it is working properly.


iOS certificate expiration issues can be frustrating for iOS developers and users alike. However, by staying on top of renewals and correctly re-signing apps, these issues can be avoided and apps can continue to function properly without any crashes or malfunctions.





